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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Impromtu Valentine's meal- grilled lamb, mushroom, mashed potato

After i married and have kids, no more celebration of Valentine..On the recent Valentine's day, i still plan to cook as per normal Chinese meal. But my daughter requested me to cook Western meal after she came back from shool..She said we should also celebrate this day this time. I also sick of everyday Chinese meal, so i agreed with her, and i rushed to the nearby supermarket to make my last minutes marketing..

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

While i driving to the supermarket, i still not decided what to cook..I start to think which of my blogger friend cook a good Western meal. I recalled i have seen many yummy Western meals in Elin's blog-Elinluv's Tidbits Corner (Thanks Elin). I have never cook lamb at home, so I decided to make some grill lamb chops..
This Valentine meal cost me less than RM 100, very economy and delicious..

Grilled Lamb shoulder

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

I supposed to prepare Portobello but i could not find it, i replaced with this giant button mushroom, taste nice too..

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

Our all time favourite Japanese mashed potato, this time i added chopped bacon..Yummy!

Impromtu Valentine day's meal

Since this is a last minutes meal and impromtu meal, so i did not manage to record down the exact amount of each ingredients..Anyway, this recipe is simple and easy to prepare..

Recipe source: Adapted from Elinluv's Tidbits Corner here and here with minor changes

Grilled Lamb shoulders

Impromtu Valentine day's mealLamp chop (shoulder)
Freshly crushed black pepper
• washed clean and tenderized , marinate with a pinch of salt and pepper for 30 minutes.
• grill at 200c for 10mins each side, 240c for 5mins one side

Black pepper sauce for grilled lamb
gravy from roasted lamb chops
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
Oyster sauce
Tomato ketchup
Worcestershire sauce
Red wine (optional, but worth to add)
Freshly ground black pepper
Flour mix with water, to thicken
• Mix all seasonings and ingredients in a pot, cooked for 5-10mins, thicken the sauce by flour mixture.

Grilled stuffed button mushrooms

Impromtu Valentine day's mealBig button mushroom or portobello
Green pepper, chopped
Bacon, chopped
Chicken meat, chopped
Carrot, chopped
Parmesan cheese or mozzarella cheese

Bread crumbs
Olive oil

• Mix pepper, bacon,cheese, chicken meat and carrot in a mixing bowl.
• Season with salt and pepper, stir till sticky paste.
• Stuff the mushrooms with the paste
• Greased the baking sheet with olive oil, place the stuffed mushrooms on it and sprinkle extra bread crumbs on the surface and baked in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes or till crispy brown and cooked

Japanese mashed potato

Impromtu Valentine day's mealUS russet potato, boiled till soft and mashed fine
Japanese cucumber, chopped
Carrot, chopped
Bacon, chopped and pan fried
Japanese mayonnaise

Refer to recipe here

Impromtu Valentine day's meal


Ana Regalado said...

Just had my lunch but I'm getting hungry again after seeing all that mouthwatering photos! hahaha Haven't tried cooking lamb yet :P tsk !

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

What a delicious combination of a meal! Also I think it's a lovely idea to celebrate Valentine's day with family and loved ones :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Li Shuan said...

Sonia,I did the opposite, I was sick of eating western and we went out for Thai food on Valentine's Day. The dinner was very well presented and accompanied by Romantic candle light ... Do you play some romantic background music as well?? :)

ann low said...

My hubby love lamb and this is so perfect for Valentine's Day :)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Haha...U still better than me. I never have chance to celebrate Valentine's Day with my hubby,even CNY :(
I like the stuffed button mushrooms and mashed potato. Yummy :)

daphne said...

aww how sweet. To use this to celebrate with the whole family! I'm really liking the use of stuffed mushrooms- I can see that even as an entree in parties.

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

They were all deliciously prepared though it was an impromptu meal, you are indeed very talented

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wow, impromptu and yet still so professionally prepared! I think if I'm your hubby, I'll have impromptu meals everyday! Lol! Lovely!

Jeannie said...

Your meal looks like you have taken great pains preparing instead of last minute decision....very economy and delicious indeed I too have not cooked lamb before, most times my sons are the ones who cook western style food.:)

Purabi Naha said...

These look awesome!! Loved the droolworthy pictures. Bookmarked!

Gloria Baker said...

look really delicious!

Angie's Recipes said...

That's a feast! You can really cook and bake.

Kiran @ KiranTarun.com said...

What a great spread of yummyness :)

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Haha your daughter is cute! I make Japanese food everyday and sometimes my kids request Western food too. My husband loves lamb but I never cooked it at home. This looks good!

Lrong Lim said...

Your daughter must be very happy on Valentine's day...

Anonymous said...

I love lamb, 越骚越好.... hehe

Sherleen.T said...

wow...this is a marvelous Valentine's dinner, homemade one is always precious, got candlelight somemore, very heartwarming and romantic...:)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Your impromptu V-day dinner turned out looking great! I am not much of a western food fan, my hubby wanted to bring me for BBQ ribs, I requested to go to a Korean restaurant instead. :P

cherry potato said...


Gloria Baker said...

Look really nice Sonia!

choi yen said...

Is lamb dishes hard to prepare?

Simple Person said...

i use to BBQ the lamb .....

Yee's Corner said...

A lovely meal for V day! surely your family ate and felt so sweet in their hearts!

My Little Space said...

Whoa, so romantic! Full set dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. haha.... Geee... this meaning I'm old already.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

choi yen,easy to prepare, just grill it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Just wonder, if you used cooked meat for the stuffed portobello?


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