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Monday, January 14, 2013

Matcha Cranberry Cookies 抹茶蔓越莓饼干

At first, I was thinking to make Matcha  Dragon Cookies for my 1st post of Chinese New Year cookies. Since this year is a Snake year, so thinking to add matcha to become green and look like snake skin colour.
IMG_6003 copy

Due to i added too much of matcha powder, it was hard to pipe out the dragon shape. So i tried to roll into small rod and shape it like dragon, but it became look like snake, LOL ! Anyway, i decided to cut it using flower shape cutter, because I scare the snake shape (one of the animal that i scare the most !!) hahaha..
I also decided to add some dried cranberries to enhance the taste.

IMG_5999 copy

Anyway, this cookie turned out not bad though, very strong green tea aroma with slighly bitter taste and tasted not over sweet..Adults might like this cookie..

Matcha Cranberry Cookies
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

80g Butter (room temperature)
IMG_5996 copy 50g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
120g corn flour
20g cake flour
6g matcha powder ( can be reduced if prefer no bitter taste)
45 dried cranberries, chopped

1. Cream the butter and icing sugar till light and creamy.
2. Add in egg yolk and mix well.
3. Fold in corn flour, matcha powder, cake flour and chopped cranberries to form a soft and pliable dough.
4. Roll the dough into thin layer about 4mm, cut the flower shape.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 170c (fan forced) at middle rack for 12mins.

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover.


Joceline Lor said...


珊珊 said...

好巧噢。。。去年我也是打算要做那个龙饼的,结果却也挤不出龙的形状,最后做出了跟这个一模一样的花花饼!! 哈哈!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I just bought a small bottle of Macha powder, mayb can try out one of the day hehe...

How many pc of cookies did u make with this recipe?

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Mandy said...


Little blue said...

very nice green flower...and i sure the taste is good!!

Bakericious said...

nice green color, now started to feel like CNY, everywhere CNY baking :D

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sharon, I did not really count it, but easily 40-50pcs..

PH said...

CNY cookies start coming out already. Myself haven't even baked cookies before. So jakun. Must at least try this year before CNY hee..hee...

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

very nice cookies...yummy!

ann low said...

Loog good! Matcha and cranberry are my favourite!

Yannie said...

Nice green colour cookies, Sonia. I will bake again tomorrow your theme. I love this theme of you so much.

Amie said...

Comelnya MCC tu Love...

Simple Person said...

very nice and cute cookies

Baking Diary said...

Baking frenzy started liao:D looks delicious!

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Ling yuen chin said...

我也要做这cookies for CNY.

Mel said...

Lovely green cookies....

Casey said...


Ana Regalado said...

Love those cookies , Sonia ! I really need to buy some matcha powder as I've never used it in my bakes yet :D

Unknown said...

wao... a very nice cookies. yummy yummy.... i will start to make cookies liao...

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Hi Sonia, lovely color. I really like the green. I've got a couple of cookie recipes coming up for your event.

Li Shuan said...

Ohh... I like matcha cookies too...
p/s: I have prepared a savory Chinese dish to submit to Chinese Delights 2013. Sorry I didn't leave a message on ur earlier post, but u know ill definitely support the cooking/ baking theme hosted by you.

divya said...

Great & gorgeous looking cookies..

Chef and Sommelier said...

Wow Sonia! I can feel the CNY festive mood now...

Are you taking order from us in Singapore? :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

First CNY cookies post that I have seen. Need to get the mood going so that it will force me to make some CNY cookies. Hahaha... extremely lazy and no moon now. :P

irene myme said...

wow...seeing all the CNY cookies makes me very nervous la.
I need to be on turbo speed asap! HaHaHa!!

Tracy Low said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I'm here for your matcha cranberry cookies. Looks like it wasn't easy to get the final bakes out of the oven, had to change for so many times but I think I still prefer the flower shape than the snake, haha!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

everyone on new year mood now, yeah !

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, I'm very scared of snake too! good thing you make these lovely flowers! very nice photo!! I'll support you when I'm back to my kitchen in 2 days time.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Snake or flower doesn't matter la, yummy can already! Hopefully I can submit a post I this NY event of your by weekend. ;))

Crystal Loh said...


Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I love matcha... how funny the dragon turn into snake then flower... You know how to make it successful at the end!

mui mui said...

Matcha..my favorite.
Your clicks are so pretty and it separate the CNY feel:p


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I have tried making this cookie on Saturday....however, maybe I put too much butter or my butter melted easily cos the end dough was a bit sticky, so I added more flour then my cookie turned out powdery....maybe will try again this weekend. But my hubby likes it! Thank you for the recipe

Last but not least, may I ask if can I just replace the flour to just plain flour?


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Phoebii, if you replace the flours with plain flour, i guess the texture will become difference, maybe more coarse. I am not sure, you can try it and see which type your prefer..

Anonymous said...

Hi there, is it 120g CAKE flour and 20g corn flour instead? Just wondering because your recipe says 120g corn flour and 20g cake flour but I thought usually it shouldn't be so much corn flour? Thanks :)

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