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Monday, February 13, 2012

Nyonya Pai Tee (Top Hats)

The other day i saw a Malay makcik (auntie) bought this Pai Tee mould while i do some shopping at the usual bakery ingredients shop nearby my place. As usual, I kepoh (busy people) asked her how to make the Pai Tee case, and she told me is easy to make with just few ingredients. So i also bought one and with full confidence that i can make this but this was not the case ! FYI, Pai Tee is a popular Nyonya's snack, a cripsy case that made of flour and fill up with savoury vegetables.

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee brass mould

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

It took me 7 attempted only i managed to get one right recipe that has cripsy and crunchy case, also easy to remove from the mould..The Malay makcik only told me to add rice flour, corn flour, water and egg but did not tell me the exact measurement as she only agak-agak (estimated) the ingredients. I know there is some ready recipe out there or by adding some substance like "air kapur " to get crispy case. But i am a stubborn person and like to experience myself, and learn from the mistakes! This is also the way that i can improve.

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Deep frying the case..

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

I consider this is the perfect case !

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

But i also got some not perfect cases, with hole or out of shape, ^_^

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Here is my best recipe, but still not a perfect recipe and i will still continue searching for a perfect one and will share with you.
For the deep frying process, there are some details that quite difficult for me to describe, example like det andermine the right amount of the batter to coat on the mould in order not to get a case with hole or etc. You need to try yourself then only you know it!

Happy Trying !!

Pai Tee (Top Hats)
(recipe source: hard work from Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes aroud 50-60pcs

Pai Tee (Top Hats)25g dried shrimps, soaked for 5mins and chopped
900g yam bean/jicama, julienned
1 carrot, julienned
2 sprig of spring onion, chopped
1tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp light soy sauce
A dash of pepper
4tbsp cooking oil

1. Heat oil in a wok, sauté dried shrimps till fragrant.
2. Add in jicama and carrot, stir to combine.
3. Add in light soy sauce, salt and pepper, continue to stir till dry (about 15mins).
4. Add in spring onion, combine well and dish out.

Pai Tee Cases
100g corn flour
60g rice flour
60g plain flour
180g-190g water
50g egg
A pinch of salt
1/2tsp sugar

Oil for deep frying

1. Mix corn flour, rice flour, plain flour, salt, sugar and egg in a mixing bowl.
2. Slowly add in water, stir and mix till runny and smooth batter.
3. Heat oil in a pot or wok with the mould in the oil. Do not overheat the mould.
4. Dip the heated mould in the batter and coat a thin and even batter (do not fully dip the mould with batter, about 90% full is ok), deep fry the batter. (** Pour batter in a tall jar/cup for easy to dip batter)
5. Wait for few seconds, use chopstick to remove the case and continue deep fry till light golden brown. Set aside to cool before serve.

To serve- fill the cases with the filling, garnish with spring onion, and serve with chili dipping sauce

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

Pai Tee (Top Hats)

I also would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day, have a fun & romantic day with your loved one.


Rose world said...

I love this Top Hats. Slurp!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


hanushi said...

I really admire your hard work and perservance in getting it right. Thumb up!

Simple Person said...

i think that the perfect Pai ti..
Very nice ..

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Wow! Those look amazing. I don't think I would have the patience to keep trying to get it right. Those are amazing pictures too :)

Anonymous said...

Hello sonia i really salute to ur patatience of trying so many times to get it right. I would just buy it at the market if i fail 3 times. These pie tee cup is really beautiful. credit for all the hard work.

Min said...

Wah, I really admire your patient, you've tried 7 times! I tried this before, once only, really a lot of hard work especially when frying. I really agree with you, we need to try ourselves only we can know the problem.

Ana Regalado said...

Good thing you're kepoh ;D sometimes , or else you won't learn how to make that pieces of deliciousness hahaha 7 times ?! You have the patience of a saint ;D Great job , Sonia :)

Sharon @ Feats of Feasts said...

Hi Sonia!! I love pai tee!!! Where did you buy the mould? I remember aiming to do this like 2 years ago and then totally forgot about it....

Elin said...

Sonia...your hard work pays off :) you did a good job on it. I find it intimidating though and have never tried making them though I have the brass mould. Like you , my friend bought one,I also followed and bought one but till today have yet to try it :p One day soon I will try making it your way :) Thanks and Sweet Valentine's Day to you too!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I saw this mould before. Now then i know is for pai tee!

WendyinKK said...

7? this beats your dragon cookies!
good job!

Wen said...

Wow homemade is the best! Looks so delicious! Happy Valentine Day to you too!

ann low said...

I have this pai tee mould too but only used once because too much work.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

daphne said...

it is so much work but from the looks of it- you perfected it!! I wish i can pop one in my mouth right now. Hats off you (haha pun intended)

VineelaSiva said...

Wow the dish looks very inviting never tried and tasted.

Anonymous said...

Wow, seems difficult to make, no wonder outside selling quite expensive, like 6 pcs for S$2.50

Little Corner of Mine said...

I also bought the brass but have yet to make it once. It reminded me of the kuih bunga that I just did for CNY, a lot of work.

Bakeling said...

This is one of my favourite dessert ! And this is the first time I get to see the mould of Pai tee !

Wish to have a bite !

Mary said...

These look wonderful! I love the look on them. Way to go, figuring it all out!

tigerfish said...

Have not had Kuih Pie Tee for such a long time...

How I wish I could have some of yours now.

Elena said...

Wow! So perfect for a romantic happy fancy dinner in two.

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, Happy Valentine's Day! 7 attempts to get it right. I think u must be can't eat can't sleep just to think of how to get the recipe right.. Haha ! Good on u, at last you have made it. Very nice looking pai ti. They are my "must order" if I go to the little Penang cafe in klcc.

Dumpling Love said...

Wow they look good! I've never tried this before! Definitely on my 'to eat' list...haha.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

How i wish i am your neighbour...

Lori said...

These look delicious and that mold is so interesting. But that also sounds like some hard work! Glad you finally had some success. Lucky for us you hung in there with a beautiful result!

Sherleen.T said...

yes,this is really super beautiful pai tee cases...thanks for sharing the great recipe after all your hard works...:)
big hug for you...and Happy Valentine's Day ^^

Cocoeriley said...

Wow, looks delicious. I love to eat very much. Happy Valentine's Day to YOU!

Jeannie said...

This is very delicious but so tedious! I really admired your tenacity which such great results!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Hi Sonia!

How interesting. I love this recipe. The concept is easy but actually to make these cups seem not so easy as we imagined. But you did pretty good job! Even broken one can be a good snack. =) I'm new to this recipe and I already like it a lot!

Angie Tee said...

This is one of my favorite starters. I have a great recipe for the Top Hats on my site, give it a try :-)

kitchen flavours said...

We love pai-tee! Yours look fantastic! Delicious to eat and gone in minutes! But so "mah fun" to do! Made this a couple of times, last time was almost two years ago! I have a great recipe for these, I'll post it one of these days when the mood strikes again!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Salute to you for your hardwork and perseverance. Well done!

Eileeen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Me again! Wishing you and your dearest a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Small Kucing said...

wow...yours are fantastic..

Unknown said...

I love pai tee. 7 attempts ? I really salute you

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wah Sonia, really admire you, almost making everything from scratch...can "fight" with Wendy, lol! Plus you did 7 times!! Hats off! Those look so crispy! Wish I can have a bite!

Pete said...

Used to help my sis make this during CNY when I was young....lol!

Taste real good!

Gloria Baker said...

look beautiful!!!
Happy Valentines day!

My Little Space said...

Kudos Sonia! Hard work does pay off at the end and your pie tee looks perfect & delicious.
Have a great day ahead, dear.

3 hungry tummies said...

Good work Sonia! I still have my moulds sitting in my drawer waiting to be used lol
Must try it soon!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

These look super delicate and crunchy! Must be so nice to eat, and are great for party nibbles. Thank you for all your hard work!!

pigpigscorner said...

Well done Sonia! I don't think I have that sort of patience!

The Sudden Cook said...

Reminds me of the pai tee my mum-in-law makes! Didn't realise its so tricky to make the mould. Good for you for trying and succeeding!

mycookinghut said...

Looks great! I would love to try making these next time!

Jane Chew said...

sonia, i should have tell u Philip is very good in this. haha... i cant get the right shape evrytime i tried. But dont know why Phil can fried till all open widely and they really looks like hats. That is why i always make him stand in the kitchen and do this for me. Anyway, u are super patient. If i am in ur position, i must well throw the mould away. haha...Good Job!

Lite Home Bake said...

Interesting post, although they can be found quite easily I have never seen the mould. Thanks for sharing!

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, your pie tee look delicious. Have not eaten this for ages, time to take out my mold which is growing fungus in the cabinet. LOL
Have a great week.

Noob Cook said...

very nicely done!

Jacqueline said...

hi. i am looking for the mould. any idea where i can get it from?

Anonymous said...

Thx much for sharing, Sonia. Gosh, I paid rm13.50 for just 24 pieces of the casings n thought better try doing myself!! Cheers

Bob ong said...

Where can I buy pei t mould in Singapore

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